Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Causes – Dr. Mirsadeghi
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Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction Causes, Treatment

  • This article is explain the connection between diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction:
    The reasons for ED are various however by and large fall into two classes: natural or psychogenic. The natural causes can be subdivied into 5 classes: vascular, (traumatic) post-surgical, neurological, endocrine-induced, and drug-induced. Psychogenic causes are depression, performance anxiety, and relationship problems. In people with diabetes, the main risk factors are neuropathy, vascular insufficiency, poor glycemic control, hypertension, low testosterone levels and perhaps a past filled with smoking.

    دیابت مردان

    Both vascular and neurological systems are most generally associated with individuals with diabetes. Atherosclerosis in the penile and pudendal arteries limits the blood flow into the corpus cavernosum. As a result of the loss of consistence in the enormous trabeculae, the venous flow is additionally lost. This loss of flow brings about the powerlessness of the corpora cavernosae to extend and pack the surge vessels.

    What are the symptoms of diabetes?

    • Indications of diabetes incorporate
    • expanded thirst and urination
    • expanded hunger
    • exhaustion
    • blurred vision
    • numbness or shivering in the feet or hands
    • sores that do not heal
    • unexplained weight loss
    Erectile dysfunction
    Erectile dysfunction

    The Connection Between ED and diabetes?

    Erectile dysfunction can be linked to conditions common in men with diabetes, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. The causes of ED in men with diabetes are complex and involve in nerve, blood vessel, and muscles. To get an erection, men need blood vessels, nerves, male hormones. Diabetes can harm the veins and nerves that control erection. In this manner, regardless of whether you have typical measures of male hormones and you want to engage in sexual relations, you despite everything will be unable to accomplish a firm erection.

    What causes ED in men with diabetes?

    Diabetes implies there’s more sugar (glucose) in the circulatory system, and this can harm little veins (called microvascular ailment). This is the thing that prompts kidney harm, loss of vision, and nerve torment. Yet, harm to little veins in the penis likewise makes it harder to have and keep up an erection. That is the reason ED is more awful in men with long-standing, uncontrolled diabetes. Men with diabetes may likewise observe an expanded danger of ED because of further harm to the vessels in the penis.

    Many men with diabetes may become depressed or have anxiety due to the stress of having to manage a difficult disease.

    Life Changes

    In Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction, it depends on way of life changes, many of which not only help to reduce blood glucose, but by doing so can strengthen the body and reduce the risk of ED. Better glucose control was appeared to improve erections and decrease the danger of creating ED in some studies.

    Stopping smoking – Smoking expands your hazard for ED by raising your circulatory strain, which after some time, can harm little veins in your penis. It’s surprisingly more dreadful on the off chance that you have diabetes, which itself can cause vein harm.

    Diminishing fat and cholesterol – Research has demonstrated that men with elevated cholesterol have a higher danger of ED, and that creation dietary changes to bring down fat and cholesterol levels can help lessen this hazard.

    Practicing and getting thinner – Losing weight is significant for men with diabetes who are corpulent or overweight, as it can assist lower with blooding glucose levels and increment blood course. These upgrades can likewise help with ED.

    Lessening pressure – Diabetes can prompt emotional wellness issues, for example, misery or uneasiness, which can cause or decline ED through mental pressure.

    Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction
    Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

    Treatment options for erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes

    A few treatments for men with diabetes are available and depends on the patient condition it wall be different:

    • Medical
      Testosterone replacement therapy is recommended for men with ED who show low levels of testosterone.
    • Laser Therapy
      This is another solution for diabetes people. Like many of the current medications available to manage ED, laser therapy treatments work by opening vascular passages to allow more blood to flow into the penis.
    • Penile Prostheses
      This requires major surgery. An inflatable rod is implanted into the penis to make it erect for intercourse.

    Which treatment is the best for diabetes and ED?

    The most suitable and best treatment will depend on the health of the patient and their own ability to tolerate the treatment. Specialists such as urologists can work with individual cases and determine the perfect treatment.

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